New issue of Polish Libraries from the National Library of Poland - News - The National Library


New issue of Polish Libraries from the National Library of Poland

The peer-reviewed, English-language journal Polish Libraries from the National Library of Poland presents articles on the historical and current challenges facing Polish libraries and libraries and information studies, including ancillary and related sciences.

The current issue includes an article by Iryna Zhuravlova entitled "The central scientific library of the Karazin Kharkiv National University under Russian attack", which records the damage caused to the library by Russia's invasion of Ukraine since February 2022. It also lists key facilities and priceless collections still in severe danger due to Russian attacks.

Polish Libraries is published annually by the National Library of Poland and is addressed to foreign libraries and other interested parties. It is included on the Polish Ministry of Education and Science's official list of ranked scholarly journals, where it scores 100 points. It is also indexed by Scopus and ERIH PLUS.

New issue of Polish Libraries



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