117 thousand people visited the “Pan Herbert – podróżnik” (Mr Herbert, the traveller) exhibition - News - The National Library


117 thousand people visited the “Pan Herbert – podróżnik” (Mr Herbert, the traveller) exhibition

The exhibition Pan Herbert – podróżnik (Mr Hebert, the traveller) has raised extreme interest of people visiting the Palace of the Republic. Since October 30, more than 117 thousand people have come to see it.

Manuscripts presented there painted a story of travel: from Lviv to Warsaw, from suitcases of a “man without a home” through packing before the last trip, death. From choking on freedom in travel through acrimony of returning the homeland. From delight on foreign cities through languishment for a non-existing town. From a feeling of joy, now and here through melancholy of the past. From euphoria of gratitude through resignation of the end. It’s a story of Herbert – but also a universal story of life, the passing and death.

Exhibition authors:

Anna Romaniuk – curator
Kuba Matyka, Kamila Staszczyszyn / MELT IMMERSIVE – immersive installation
Łukasz „Szatt” Palkiewicz – music
Aleksandra Toborowicz – graphics
Intermuseo – exhibition display cases
Eidotech Polska – technical installation



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